Upcoming Events
First-Year Move In
Fall Semester Begins
Orientation Week
First years, you are not going to want to miss this. O-Week is the BEST way to make nursing friends and kick off an amazing school year.
Queen's Nursing Orientation Week is an exciting, fun-filled four days consisting of various events that enable incoming students to create unforgettable bonds with other students, learn more about Queens and the nursing program, as well as make life-long memories. All students entering their first year of the four-year track BNSc program are encouraged to participate!
Follow @qunursingorientation on Instagram for details.
Additional questions and concerns can be directed to Nursing Orientation Chair, Emmy Lind, who can be reached via email at nursingorientation@ams.queensu.ca.
Register for O-Week now!
Registration closes August 30th
Nursing Orientation Financial Bursary Application 2024
The cost of Nursing Orientation Week 2024 is $216. To make it accessible to all incoming students, the Nursing Science Society, School of Nursing, and Nursing Orientation Committee are offering bursaries for those who need financial help.
Bursaries are based on financial need, but we can't guarantee one for everyone. To apply, fill out the required information and answer the following question. Email your application to Emmy Lind at nursingorientation@ams.queensu.ca by midnight on August 20th. You will be informed about your bursary status by August 25th.